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The Value of Restoration


为子孙后代保存过去是有道理的. 许多房主对经久不衰的老式家具和装饰重新产生了兴趣, 鼓励人们回到过去卓越工艺中发现的价值.

Since 1921, Trefler’s 一直是修复界的首选资源吗, 拥有一支高技能和充满激情的团队,可以真正做到这一切. Embracing a hands-on approach, nearly everything at Trefler’s is done by hand, 强调个人注意的重要性, detail, and care. 从感性的传家宝到有趣的古董发现, 特雷弗勒可以熟练地复活各种珍宝, refinish, and repurpose is vast.

Trefler's, Vase Repair(这个古老的大橄榄罐是由特雷弗勒修复的. 重新组装11个破碎的碎片需要将罐子装满,并沿着破碎处用砂纸打磨, 颜色也尽可能地接近原作.)

Though it might be tempting to buy new, 修复旧家具和装饰是一种环保的选择. 选择修复而不是购买新的可以减少浪费和节约资源. 重新利用现有物品可以最大限度地减少对新材料的需求,并减少与制造相关的环境影响, transportation, and disposal.

Trefler's, Desk Restoration

Trefler's, Desk Restoration(Before and after: A gorgeous desk once hazy, water damaged, and ridden with crazing is restored, with its original finish cleaned and conserved.)

Trefler的修复曲目包括家具, decorative arts, books, metal, paintings, frames, works on paper, upholstery, chandeliers, and more. 他们的工艺融合了传统工艺和尖端技术,为珍贵的财产注入了新的生命. “我们认识到,委托给我们的每件作品都是对客户的投资, and we do not take that lightly,” says Laura Sheehan, Vice President and 23-year veteran of Trefler’s. “我们致力于提供一款尊重历史和原创完整性的高端产品.”

Trefler's, Custom Display Case(Trefler可以为珍贵的物品创建自定义显示选项, in a variety of color and finish options. 在这里,定制的木制底座和有机玻璃外壳被用来展示和保护物体.)

选择恢复还为定制和个性化提供了独特的机会. Whether it be refinishing, repainting, or reupholstering, 特雷弗勒的流程包括与客户合作,根据他们的个人风格和喜好量身定制作品. “我们12名员工组成的小团队致力于他们的手艺, 我们的目标是与客户的愿景保持一致,同时提供最佳治疗和定制项目的见解,” Sheehan explains.

Trefler's, Painting RestorationTrefler's, Painting RestorationTrefler's, Painting Restoration(Before, during, 绘画修复是Trefler提供的另一项服务, in addition to custom framing services. 这是一幅画被清洗的过程.)

Beyond traditional furniture restoration, their expertise includes reassembling furniture, reattaching parts, fabricating missing elements, and tackling cosmetic issues such as stripping, refinishing, and addressing water damage. 客户可以选择将他们的项目直接带到特雷弗勒进行评估, or a Trefler’s expert can go to them on site. Trefler’s also provides assistance for claims; for example, if a piece is exposed to fire, soot, water, or mold they can also help to restore it. 

他说:“我们喜欢这种挑战,把那些可能曾经风光过或不再好用的东西变成现实, and transform it into something amazing,” Sheehan shares. “It’s rewarding.”

trefler's, table transformation

(前后对比:设计更适合早餐角, 这张四脚桌被改造成了一个基座桌. 新设计的底座颜色匹配,与原来的作品无缝融合.)

Through a blend of traditional craftsmanship, adaptability, and a deep appreciation for history, Trefler’s的服务为过度消费大量生产的家具和装饰提供了一个有前途的选择. 通过重视保护和复兴那些定义了我们过去的珍贵物品, 房主可以开辟一条新的道路,塑造一个充满个性和品质的未来. 

To learn more, visit or call 617-965-3388.  他们总是很乐意带你参观他们的工作室.


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